Monday, December 15, 2008

Enough Jergasmic.

Hey everyone, just figured I'd branch my cyber take over to another website. I mean, MySpace and other sites that I'm on give people like, a cliffs notes view of who I am and what not. This isn't going to be 'Jergasmic', it's Jeremy Borrello. The man behind the infamous Jergasmic name. I figure I'd give people an inside view of what's going on. Let them know who I am, what's going on. I guess like, a more personal view of me. I'm aware that I'm no one special, which makes this more cool. I'm just like you, or anyone on the street. Facing the same things that you are, alright maybe not exactly the same things, but maybe this could be a place that people could come to, as sort of an escape and self help thing. I'm just starting this today, so I'm still kind of testing the waters sort of speak. I have a view things to do today, but for sure. I'll be updating when I have a chance. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like a good start. Hope there's more to come.
